
Models for Christ provides support, encouragement, and community to fashion

related industry professionals around the world through outreach and discipleship

to reflect the light and love of Jesus Christ within popular culture.

Give and Invest

Models for Christ is a 37+ year 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry which offers all services for free. If you would like to give financially and support how God is moving, please select the donate button above. All donations are tax deductible, according to law. MFC continues to be the only non-profit providing support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world through outreach and discipleship to reflect the light and love of Jesus Christ within popular culture. You can help ensure we have resources to help everyone who comes seeking help and life purpose.



Interest and Questions

Contact us at MFC by selecting the button above with any questions and press inquiries. We do not solicit, but over the 37+ years of being the only non-profit providing support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world, we are requested for international TV, radio and magazine interviews.


Over our life we have mobilized many industry professionals in multiple service projects all over the world.

Projects include:


• Bowery Mission meal service, NYC

• Tijuana mission trips

• Mongolia mission trips

• Giving manicures and value to domestic violence victims

• Visiting AIDS patients in the hospital

• Operation Christmas Child

• Visiting the elderly in convalescent homes

• Professional Counseling

• Visiting orphanages (LA)

Fashion Night of Prayer

In New York, Los Angeles, Sydney, London, Paris and Milan, fashion-related professionals gather together to share their lives with one another, pray for each other and for our industries. Praise and worship are followed by speakers who share their testimonies and about the role of prayer in their personal and professional lives. After these powerful stories, there is a short message and the group breaks up into smaller prayer groups. Year after year, individuals who were formerly without faith come to know Christ, and believers are inspired to make their faith a more lively and active part of their everyday experiences. We also take time to pray for the influencers, co-workers, one another, and the industries themselves.

Fashion Week Outreach

We are the well-known presence and support at every major Fashion Week event in the world. Not only are we lights as models, designers, photographers, stylists, and hair/makeup artists during Fashion Week, we train and invite volunteers to work backstage dressing the models before they walk the runway. This might sound simple, but designers require flawless execution, trust and experience. For over 12 years MFC continues to be invited to perform these exclusive roles, and it is a testament to the seriousness with which we approach this opportunity.

Compassion and Love

Serving others is a core tenet of our beliefs. It doesn’t just help other people, it helps us too. Depression, insecurity, anxiety and feelings of meaninglessness make regular appearances in our conversations at MFC, and one of the most immediate remedies is simply to do something for someone else. It might seem trite, but it has been validated over and over by experience.


Our members are not often unemployed, but depression, addiction, and suicide are sadly common for other reasons. The long-term, permanent change and peace that only a relationship with Christ brings can take months or years to occur. However, the sense of meaning that putting another person before oneself through service happens nearly instantaneously. It is such a powerful force for personal transformation, that it is a cornerstone of Alcoholic’s Anonymous. If serving others is one of the key’s to helping people recover from one of the greatest social ills in all of history, then it can also help the average person deal with stress, depression, lack of confidence, and hopelessness.


No one knows the particular struggles of working in our industries like another person who does the same. Our members often come to MFC leaders with struggles that they would not entrust to anyone else.

Nurturing Community

Like all people, our members occasionally go through difficulty and hardships. We walk with them through loss of work, challenging work and life experiences, illness, and grief.


In cities around the world our members are on the street, in studios, at castings, and on set sharing Christ, by example, with the many people they meet. We find ourselves in very exclusive situations which allow unique opportunities to love people well.

Leadership & Training

Leading a MFC chapter requires actual skill in addition to passion. For those among us who wish to take on this responsibility, we provide training and resources to help them be as effective as possible.

Discipleship / Bible Studies

There is no growth, no change without Jesus Christ. Our duty, and our privilege, is first and foremost to know and love Him. Knowing His Word is a critical part of knowing Him and His truth, and so our very first programs, Bible Studies, remain a fundamental pillar of our mission.


Our Discipleship Groups and Bible Studies meet weekly, bi-weekly or monthly around the world to read Scripture, delve into its meaning and discuss how it applies to our lives in fashion-related industries.


We currently have over 22 MFC gatherings a month in the 11 cities around the world. At any given time, roughly 5-60+ fashion and entertainment professionals are active in each MFC Bible Study. For many of our members, a Bible Study or gathering was the first MFC activity they attended.

Life & Experience

Our experience as professionals in fashion related industries has taught us something that most people might not expect: this can be lonely work. Many of our peers live in isolation created by the demands of their careers, and it seems to be a law of human nature that darkness and despair thrive in isolation. On top of busy travel schedules, there are not many communities of people who know exactly what we are going through personally or professionally in which we feel accepted and comfortable. There are always more parties to go to than people and places where we feel known or understood.


We needed something different, so we built it. Starting with just a Bible Study in 1984, MFC is now a global community that provides support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals.

Why Fashion Industries?

For several decades now the Church has mobilized people and resources to reach out to people and places in need. It’s a noble mission, and an important one, but we know that the fashion and entertainment industries, and the people who make their livings in them, are rarely recognized as being “in need.” Through our experience as models, photographers, makeup artists, designers, stylists, agents, and industry representatives, we know this could not be less true.


It is no secret that addiction, depression, eating disorders, and suicide are common in our world. Chances are good that you know, directly or otherwise, a colleague who has or is suffering from one or more of these afflictions. Maybe you are suffering.


Our hope is that our friends and coworkers around the world will find community and support in our global network. No matter what questions, issues, or problems you have, at least one of our members have been though the same thing.


Despair and darkness thrive in isolation, and the traveling that is often required by our professions means a lot of time spent away from family and friends and nights spent in hotels. We know from experience how lonely that gets, and with no other options, partying, drugs, and unhealthy relationships are an easy and even welcome alternative for a while. We also know how quickly diversions become addictions, solitude turns into isolation, sadness to depression and then despair.


That is why MFC exists - we are here for every one of our coworkers who needs to be with people who know the same struggles, challenges, and successes that are part of working in our industries. We know and understand.

Overview and Mission

Founded in 1984 by two professional models, Models for Christ provides support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world through outreach and discipleship to reflect the light and love of Jesus Christ within popular culture.


Connect globally with fashion professionals

Be supported in difficulties and success

Grow in faith through events + Bible studies

Reflect Christ within the fashion industry




"I have come into the world as a light,

so that no one who believes in me

should stay in darkness."

"I have come into the world as a light,

so that no one who believes in me

should stay in darkness."

- Jesus Christ -

- Jesus Christ -

"I have come into the world as a light,

so that no one who believes in me

should stay in darkness."

"I have come into the world as a light,

so that no one who believes in me

should stay in darkness."


Models for Christ provides support, encouragement, and community to fashion

related industry professionals around the world through outreach and discipleship

to reflect the light and love of Jesus Christ within popular culture.

Give and Invest

Models for Christ is a 37+ year 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry which offers all services for free. If you would like to give financially and support how God is moving, please select the donate button above. All donations are tax deductible, according to law. MFC continues to be the only non-profit providing support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world through outreach and discipleship to reflect the light and love of Jesus Christ within popular culture. You can help ensure we have resources to help everyone who comes seeking help and life purpose.



Interest and Questions

Contact us at MFC by selecting the button above with any questions and press inquiries. We do not solicit, but over the 37+ years of being the only non-profit providing support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world, we are requested for international TV, radio and magazine interviews.


Over our life we have mobilized many industry professionals in multiple service projects all over the world. Projects include:


• Bowery Mission meal service, NYC

• Tijuana mission trips

• Mongolia mission trips

• Giving manicures and value to domestic violence victims

• Visiting AIDS patients in the hospital

• Operation Christmas Child

• Visiting the elderly in convalescent homes

• Professional Counseling

• Visiting orphanages (LA)

Fashion Night of Prayer

In New York, Los Angeles, Sydney, London, Paris and Milan, fashion-related professionals gather together to share their lives with one another, pray for each other and for our industries. Praise and worship are followed by speakers who share their testimonies and about the role of prayer in their personal and professional lives. After these powerful stories, there is a short message and the group breaks up into smaller prayer groups. Year after year, individuals who were formerly without faith come to know Christ, and believers are inspired to make their faith a more lively and active part of their everyday experiences. We also take time to pray for the influencers, co-workers, and one another.

Fashion Week Outreach

We are the well-known presence and support at every major Fashion Week event in the world. Not only are we lights as models, designers, photographers, stylists, and hair/makeup artists during Fashion Week, we train and invite volunteers to work backstage dressing the models before they walk the runway. This might sound simple, but designers require flawless execution, trust and experience. For more than 12 years MFC continues to be invited to perform these exclusive roles, and it is a testament to the seriousness with which we approach this very exclusive opportunity.

Compassion and Love

Serving others is a core tenet of our beliefs. It doesn’t just help other people, it helps us too. Depression, insecurity, anxiety and feelings of meaninglessness make regular appearances in our conversations at MFC, and one of the most immediate remedies is simply to do something for someone else. It might seem trite, but it has been validated over and over by experience.


Our members are not often unemployed, but depression, addiction, and suicide are troublingly common for other reasons. The long-term, permanent change and peace that only a relationship with Christ brings can take months or years to occur. However, the sense of meaning that putting another person before oneself through service happens nearly instantaneously. It is such a powerful force for personal transformation that Alcoholic’s Anonymous say “helping others is the cornerstone” of their program. If serving others is one of the key’s to helping people recover from one of the greatest social ills in all of history, then surely it can also help the average person deal with stress, depression, lack of confidence, unhappiness, and even hopelessness.


No one knows the particular struggles of working in our industries like another person who does the same. Our members often come to MFC leaders with struggles that they would not entrust to anyone else.

Nurturing Community

Like all people, our members occasionally go through difficulty and hardships. We make ourselves available to walk with them through loss of work, challenging work and life experiences, illness, and grief.


In cities around the world our members are on the street, in studios, at castings, and on set sharing Christ, by example, with the many people they meet. We find ourselves in very exclusive situations which allow unique opportunities to love people well, and form wonderful relationships.

Leadership & Training

Leading a MFC chapter requires actual skill in addition to passion. For those among us who wish to take on this responsibility, we provide training and resources to help them be as effective as possible.

Discipleship / Bible Studies

There is no growth, no change without Jesus Christ. Our duty, and our privilege, is first and foremost to know and love Him. Knowing His Word is a critical part of knowing Him and His truth, and so our very first programs, Bible Studies, remain a fundamental pillar of our mission.


Our Discipleship Groups and Bible Studies meet weekly, bi-weekly or monthly around the world to read Scripture, delve into its meaning and discuss how it applies to our lives in fashion-related industries.


We currently have over 22 MFC gatherings a month in the 11 cities around the world. At any given time, roughly 5-60+ fashion and entertainment professionals are active in each MFC Bible Study. For many of our members, a Bible Study or gathering was the first MFC activity they attended.

Life & Experience

Our experience as professionals in fashion related industries has taught us something that most people might not expect: this can be lonely work. Many of our peers live in isolation created by the demands of their careers, and it seems to be a law of human nature that darkness and despair thrive in isolation. On top of busy travel schedules, there are not many communities of people who know exactly what we are going through personally or professionally in which we feel accepted and comfortable. There are always more parties to go to than people and places where we feel known or understood.


We needed something different, so we built it. Starting with just a Bible Study in 1984, MFC is now a global community that provides support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world.

Why Fashion Industries?

For several decades now the Church has mobilized people and resources to reach out to people and places in need. It’s a noble mission, and an important one, but we know that the fashion and entertainment industries, and the people who make their livings in them, are rarely recognized as being “in need.” Through our experience as models, photographers, makeup artists, designers, stylists, agents, and industry representatives, we know this could not be less true.


It is no secret that addiction, depression, eating disorders, and suicide are common in our world. Chances are good that you know, directly or otherwise, a colleague who has or is suffering from one or more of these afflictions. Maybe even you are suffering.


Our hope is that our friends and coworkers around the world will find community and support in our global network. No matter what questions, issues, or problems you have, at least one of our members have been though the same thing.


Despair and darkness thrive in isolation, and the traveling that is often required by our professions means a lot of time spent away from family and friends and nights spent in hotels. We know from experience how lonely that gets, and with no other options, partying, drugs, and unhealthy relationships are an easy and even welcome alternative for a while. We also know how quickly diversions become addictions, solitude turns into isolation, sadness to depression and then despair in some cases leads to suicide.


That is why MFC exists - we are here for every one of our coworkers who needs to be with people who know the same struggles, challenges, and successes that are part of working in our industries. We know and understand.

Overview and Mission

Founded in 1984 by two professional models, Models for Christ provides support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world through outreach and discipleship to reflect the light and love of Jesus Christ within popular culture.

Reflect Christ within the fashion industry

Models for Christ provides support, encouragement, and community

to fashion related industry professionals around the world

through outreach and discipleship to reflect the light and love of Jesus Christ within popular culture.

Overview & Mission

Founded in 1984 by two professional models, Models for Christ provides support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world through outreach and discipleship to reflect the light and love of Jesus Christ within popular culture.

Why Fashion Industries?

For several decades now the Church has mobilized people and resources to reach out to people and places in need. It’s a noble mission, and an important one, but we know that the fashion and entertainment industries, and the people who make their livings in them, are rarely recognized as being “in need.” Through our experience as models, photographers, makeup artists, designers, stylists, agents, and industry representatives, we know this could not be less true.


It is no secret that addiction, depression, eating disorders, and suicide are common in our world. Chances are good that you know, directly or otherwise, a colleague who has or is suffering from one or more of these afflictions. Maybe you are suffering.


Our hope is that our friends and coworkers around the world will find community and support in our global network. No matter what questions, issues, or problems you have, at least one of our members have been though the same thing.


Despair and darkness thrive in isolation, and the traveling that is often required by our professions means a lot of time spent away from family and friends and nights spent in hotels. We know from experience how lonely that gets, and with no other options, partying, drugs, and unhealthy relationships are an easy and even welcome alternative for a while. We also know how quickly diversions become addictions, solitude turns into isolation, sadness to depression and then despair.


That is why MFC exists - we are here for every one of our coworkers who needs to be with people who know the same struggles, challenges, and successes that are part of working in our industries. We know and understand.




- Jesus Christ -

"I have come into the world as a light,

so that no one who

believes in me

should stay in darkness."

"I have come into the

world as a light,

so that no one who believes in me

should stay in darkness."

Grow in faith through events + Bible studies

Be supported in difficulties and success

Connect globally with fashion professionals

Life & Experience

Our experience as professionals in fashion related industries has taught us something that most people might not expect: this can be lonely work. Many of our peers live in isolation created by the demands of their careers, and it seems to be a law of human nature that darkness and despair thrive in isolation. On top of busy travel schedules, there are not many communities of people who know exactly what we are going through personally or professionally in which we feel accepted and comfortable. There are always more parties to go to than people and places where we feel known or understood.


We needed something different, so we built it. Starting with just a Bible Study in 1984, MFC is now a global community that provides support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world.

Discipleship / Bible Studies

There is no growth, no change without Jesus Christ. Our duty, and our privilege, is first and foremost to know and love Him. Knowing His Word is a critical part of knowing Him and His truth, and so our very first programs, Bible Studies, remain a fundamental pillar of our mission.


Our Discipleship Groups and Bible Studies meet weekly, bi-weekly or monthly around the world to read Scripture, delve into its meaning and discuss how it applies to our lives in fashion-related industries.


We currently have over 22 MFC gatherings a month in the 11 cities around the world. At any given time, roughly 5-60+ fashion and entertainment professionals are active in each MFC Bible Study. For many of our members, a Bible Study or gathering was the first MFC activity they attended.

Leadership & Training

Leading a MFC chapter requires actual skill in addition to passion. For those among us who wish to take on this responsibility, we provide training and resources to help them be as effective as possible.


In cities around the world our members are on the street, in studios, at castings, and on set sharing Christ, by example, with the many people they meet. We find ourselves in very exclusive situations and places which allow unique opportunities to love people well.

Nurturing Community

Like all people, our members occasionally go through difficulty and hardships. We walk with them through the challenges of work, life experiences, illness, and grief.


No one knows the particular struggles of working in our industries like another person who does the same. Our members often come to MFC leaders with struggles that they would not entrust to anyone else.

Compassion and Love

Serving others is a core tenet of our beliefs. It doesn’t just help other people, it helps us too. Depression, insecurity, anxiety and feelings of meaninglessness make regular appearances in our conversations at MFC, and one of the most immediate remedies is simply to do something for someone else. It might seem trite, but it has been validated over and over by experience.


Our members are not often unemployed, but depression, addiction, and suicide are troublingly common for other reasons. The long-term, permanent change and peace that only a relationship with Christ brings can take months or years to occur. However, the sense of meaning that putting another person before oneself through service happens nearly instantaneously. It is such a powerful force for personal transformation that Alcoholic’s Anonymous say “helping others is the cornerstone” of their program. If serving others is one of the key’s to helping people recover from one of the greatest social ills in all of history, then surely it can also help the average person deal with stress, depression, lack of confidence, unhappiness, and even hopelessness.

Fashion Week Outreach

We are the well-known presence and support at every major Fashion Week event in the world. Not only are we lights as models, designers, photographers, stylists, and hair/makeup artists during Fashion Week, we train and invite volunteers to work backstage dressing the models before they walk the runway. This might sound simple, but designers require flawless execution, trust and experience. For 12 years MFC continues to be invited to perform these exclusive roles, and it is a testament to the seriousness with which we approach this opportunity.

Fashion Night of Prayer

In New York, Los Angeles, Sydney, London, Paris and Milan, fashion-related professionals gather together to share their lives with one another, pray for each other and for our industries. Praise and worship are followed by speakers who share their testimonies and about the role of prayer in their personal and professional lives. After these powerful stories, there is a short message and the group breaks up into smaller prayer groups. Year after year, individuals who were formerly without faith come to know Christ, and believers are inspired to make their faith a more lively and active part of their everyday experiences. We also take time to pray for the influencers, co-workers, one another, and the industries themselves.


Over our life we have mobilized many industry professionals in multiple service projects all over the world. Projects include:


• Bowery Mission meal service, NYC

• Tijuana mission trips

• Mongolia mission trips

• Giving manicures and value to domestic violence victims

• Visiting AIDS patients in the hospital

• Operation Christmas Child

• Visiting the elderly in convalescent homes

• Professional Counseling

• Visiting orphanages (LA)

Interest and Questions

Contact us at MFC by selecting the button above with any questions and press inquiries. We do not solicit, but over the 37+ years of being the only non-profit providing support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world, we are requested for international TV, radio and magazine interviews.

Give and Invest

Models for Christ is a 37+ year 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry which offers all services for free. If you would like to give financially and support how God is moving, please select the donate button above. All donations are tax deductible, according to law. MFC continues to be the only non-profit providing support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world through outreach and discipleship to reflect the light and love of Jesus Christ within popular culture. You can help ensure we have resources to help everyone who comes seeking help and life purpose.








and Mission


Founded in 1984 by professional models, Models for Christ provides support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world through outreach and discipleship to reflect the light and love of Jesus Christ within popular culture.

Why Fashion Industries?


For several decades now the Church has mobilized people and resources to reach out to people and places in need. It’s a noble mission, and an important one, but we know that the people who make their livings in the fashion and entertainment industries, are rarely recognized as being “in need.” Through our experience as models, photographers, makeup artists, designers, stylists, agents, etc., we know this could not be less true.


It is no secret that addiction, depression, eating disorders, and suicide are common in our world. Chances are that you know a colleague who has, or is suffering from, one or more of these afflictions. Maybe you are suffering.


Our hope is that our friends and coworkers around the world will find community and support in our global network. No matter what questions, issues, or problems you have, at least one of our members have been though some of the same things.


Despair and darkness thrive in isolation, and the traveling that is often required by our profession means a lot of time spent away from family and friends and nights spent in hotels. We know from experience how lonely that gets, and with no other options, partying, drugs, and unhealthy relationships are an easy and even welcome alternative. We also know how quickly diversions become addictions, solitude turns into isolation, sadness to depression and then despair.


That is why MFC exists - we are here for every one of our coworkers who needs to be with people who know the same struggles, challenges, and successes that are part of working in our industries. We know and understand.

Be supported in difficulties and success

Grow in faith through events + Bible studies

Reflect Christ within the fashion industry

Models for Christ provides support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world through outreach and discipleship to reflect the light and love of Jesus Christ within popular culture.

- Jesus Christ -

"I have come into the world as a light,

so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness."

"I have come into the world as a light,

so that no one who believes in me

should stay in darkness."




Connect globally with fashion professionals

Life and Experience


Our experience as professionals in fashion related industries has taught us something people might not expect: this can be lonely work. Many of our peers live in isolation created by career demands, and it seems to be human nature that darkness and despair thrive in isolation. On top of busy schedules, there are not many communities of people who know exactly what we are going through personally or professionally in which we feel accepted and comfortable. There's always more parties to go to than places where we feel known or understood.


We needed something different, so we built it. Starting with just a Bible Study in 1984, MFC is now a global community that provides support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world.

Discipleship / Bible Studies


There is no growth, no change without Jesus Christ. Our duty, and our privilege, is first and foremost to know and love Him. Knowing His Word is a critical part of knowing Him and His truth, and so our very first programs, Bible Studies, remain a fundamental pillar of our mission.


Our Discipleship Groups and Bible Studies meet weekly, bi-weekly or monthly around the world to read Scripture, delve into its meaning and discuss how it applies to our lives.


We currently have over 22 MFC gatherings a month in the 11 cities around the world. At any given time, roughly 5-60+ fashion and entertainment professionals are active in each MFC Bible Study. For many of our members, a Bible Study or gathering was the first MFC activity they attended.


and Training


Leading a MFC chapter requires actual skill in addition to passion. For those among us who wish to take on this responsibility, we provide training, resources and encouragement to help them be as effective as possible.



In cities around the world our members are on the street, in studios, at castings, and on set sharing Christ, by example, with the many people they meet. We find ourselves in very exclusive situations which allow unique opportunities to love people well.

Nurturing Community


Like all people, our members occasionally go through difficulty and hardships. We walk with them through loss of work, challenging work and life experiences, illness, and grief.



No one knows the particular struggles of working in our industries like another person who does the same. Our members often come to MFC leaders with struggles that they would not entrust to anyone else.


and Love


Serving others is a core tenet of our beliefs. It doesn’t just help other people, it helps us too. Depression, insecurity, anxiety and feelings of meaninglessness make regular appearances in our conversations at MFC, and one of the most immediate remedies is simply to do something for someone else. And it has been validated by experience.


Our members are not often unemployed, but depression, addiction, and suicide are troublingly common for other reasons. The long-term, permanent change and peace that only a relationship with Christ brings can take months or years to occur. However, the sense of meaning that putting another person before oneself through service happens nearly instantaneously. It is such a powerful force for personal transformation that Alcoholic’s Anonymous say “helping others is the cornerstone” of their program. If serving others is one of the key’s to helping people recover from one of the greatest social ills in all of history, then surely it can also help the average person deal with stress, depression, lack of confidence, and even hopelessness.

Fashion Week Outreach


We are the only well-known presence and support at every major Fashion Week event in the world. Not only are we lights as models, photographers, designers, stylists, and hair/makeup artists during Fashion Week, we train and invite volunteers to work backstage dressing the models before they walk the runway. This might sound simple, but designers require flawless execution, trust and experience. Over 12 years MFC continues to perform these exclusive roles - a testament to the seriousness with which we approach this opportunity.

Fashion Night

of Prayer


In New York, London, Milan, Los Angeles and Sydney, fashion-related professionals gather together to share their lives with one another, pray for each other and for our industries. Praise and worship are followed by speakers who share their testimonies and about the role of prayer in their personal and professional lives. After powerful stories, there is a short message and the group breaks up into prayer groups. Year after year, individuals who were formerly without faith come to know Christ, and believers are inspired to make their faith a more lively and active part of their everyday experiences. We also take time to pray for the influencers, co-workers, one another, and the industries themselves.



Over our life we have mobilized many industry professionals in multiple service projects all over the world.

Projects include:


• Bowery Mission meal service, NYC

• Tijuana, Mexico mission trips

• Mongolia mission trips

• Serving domestic violence victims

• Visiting AIDS patients in the hospital

• Operation Christmas Child

• Visiting elderly in convalescent homes

• Professional Counseling

• Visiting orphanages (LA)


and Questions


Contact us at MFC by selecting the button above with any questions and press inquiries. We do not solicit, but over the 37+ years of being the only non-profit providing support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world, we are requested for international TV, radio and magazine interviews.

Give and Invest


Models for Christ is a 37+ year 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry which offers all services for free. If you would like to give financially and support how God is moving, please select the donate button above. All donations are tax deductible, according to law. MFC continues to be the only non-profit providing support, encouragement, and community to fashion related industry professionals around the world through outreach and discipleship to reflect the light and love of Jesus Christ within popular culture. You can help ensure we have resources to help everyone who comes seeking help and life purpose.






